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Call/Text Alexandra at (805)687-8823


Join the Seraglio Ballet team as a volunteer for a few hours each month, the week or the day of (or, as your schedule allows), and participate in a variety of theatrical activities. The  benefits of being a part of the behind-the-scene production are;

a. it will increase your understanding and appreciation of theater production and

b. it will help you make new connections in the dance world!


We would love to have you join us!


  • Assistant Stage Manager: We need 3-4 people to help the stage manager backstage with sets, props, costumes and liaise with the artists.

  • Assistant Marketing Director: Help sell tickets and program advertising and post flyers and posters throughout town at businesses.

  • Assistant Wardrobe: We need 3-4 people to help with costume changes, and to help the Wardrobe Mistress clean, repair and return costumes to their places after the show.

  • Make-Up Artist: Help apply make-up to cast members from 5:00-7:00 the nights of the show.

Your help is very appreciated!

"The subject matter of African dance is all-inclusive of every activity between birth and death. The seed which trembles to be born, the first breath of life, the growth, the struggle for existence, the reaching beyond the everyday into the realm of the soul, the glimpsing of the Great Divine, the ecstasy and the sorrow which is life, and then the path back to the earth - this is the dance" ~ Pearl Primusa (1919- 1994)

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