Alexandra King presents
A FolkloricBallet
"Star-crossed lovers risk everything to be together in Ottoman Istanbul"
Coming to Los Angeles in 2025!
4401 West 8th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: 323.939.0126
Big Fish,
Small Pond
World dancers of the United States preserve traditional dances of the world.
This is a documentary about their struggle to be recognized, respected and included in mainstream dance in America.
Coming soon........
In a world that is rapidly shrinking, we see world cultures being assimilated into the "borg" (assimilation into a collective sameness) of western culture and becoming lost.
This is unacceptable.
Big Fish, Small Pond was conceived out of the concern that globalism must not smother the cultures of the world. To change this we need to change the we-they paradigm that is promulgated in the media, art and academic worlds: that dance is synonymous with ballet, contemporary dance, hip-hop, ballroom and jazz and all others styles are "ethnic" dance. By eliminating this idea, "they" becomes "we".
The goals of the film are:
~To disrupt the dominance of the European diaspora in dance by reforming the public institutions (colleges) that teach dance art. By creating curriculums that include world dance, aspiring dancers can get degrees in the style of their choice without going through the filter of dances of the European diaspora: European ballet and contemporary dance.
~To create equal opportunities in funding so that traditional dances of the world are nurtured, fostered, and supported and so can thrive and survive.
~To support a media that is educated and inclusive when it comes to reporting on dances of the world.
~To create public recognition and respect for world dances.
Big Fish, Small Pond is a big dream and Seraglio ballet is the first step. Seraglio exemplifies the potential for all dance arts to be respected as art. Please help make this dream come true with your belief, love and contribution to the idea of preserving world culture, before it is lost. Support Seraglio in LA ~ Please, donate today!